Critics on the Right and Left Blast Steve Cohen for His KFC Stunt


U.S. Democratic Congressman Steve Cohen orchestrated a recent Kentucky Fried Chicken stunt that apparently backfired — big — with conservatives and liberals.

As The Tennessee Star reported, Cohen, who represents Memphis, mocked U.S. Attorney General William Barr at a House Judiciary Committee hearing reviewing Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report showing no collusion with Russia or obstruction of justice.

Mueller did not attend.

Cohen indulged in KFC chicken as a prop to prove Barr was…chicken.

Among the public criticisms:

According to Newsweek, the TV show Saturday Night Live mocked Cohen “by joking that he sent an intern out in the middle of the night to source some KFC.” Cohen, though, said one of his staffers bought the chicken the night before and by the time of the hearing it was already cold and “wasn’t wonderful.”

According to,  John Oliver of Last Week Tonight called Cohen’s stunt “pathetic” and “tragic.” Oliver went on to say Cohen was “biting into leftover KFC. “Or as its more commonly known, trash.” quoted FOX News contributors Diamond & Silk saying Cohen’s stunt was racially insensitive.

• People in and around Memphis wrote angry letters to The Memphis Commercial Appeal over the KFC incident. Patrick Green of Germantown said “if a Republican had pulled this stunt, they would have been mocked and ridiculed all over the internet. He should apologize to the AG first but more importantly to the majority of his constituents, who happen to be black, for some reason continue to re-elect this buffoon!” Daniel A. Fundo Sr. of Memphis, meanwhile, called what Cohen did “the most undignified, disrespectful gesture I can imagine.”

• Greg DeLancey, GOP Chairman of Kentucky’s First District, writing for the Murray, KY.-based Murray Ledger & Times saidCohen’s aim backfired though with his shake and bake news conference and finger licking as he ate a drumstick. Again, the American public gasped as maximum security took a hit. Like current hearings, there is no there, there. And trying to save face with an idiotic chicken analogy is beyond absurd. Maybe a chicken dance would have been better.”

Communities Digital News referred to “that fool Steve Cohen who carries a porcelain chicken into Congress’ hallowed halls. Cohen further disgraced his elected role and the Congressional body by stuffing his idiot face with friend chicken right there in a Congressional chamber.”

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Steve Cohen KFC” by Global News. 






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6 Thoughts to “Critics on the Right and Left Blast Steve Cohen for His KFC Stunt”

  1. […] Cohen recently sought attention for himself by nibbling on Kentucky Fried Chicken during a formal congressional hearing. […]

  2. […] recently sought attention for himself by nibbling on Kentucky Fried Chicken during a formal congressional […]

  3. Rick

    An individual like this should have to reimburse every penny that he has ever been paid for the job he is paid to do, he is only a useful tool of the Democratic party, he certainly does not represent Tennessee.

  4. not2day

    Steve Cohen ~ Buffoon.

  5. Steve Allen

    A sad display juvenal behavior. He’s an embarrassment to TN. On the other hand, TN being a deep red state I would hope people recognize that fact and see him for what is is, A leftest fool.
